TOP 5 snacks for a party at home

TOP 5 snacks for a party at home
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When hosting a party at home, we often wonder what are the best appetizers to prepare. In our post we have gathered 5 best appetizers that will win the heart of every guest. You can prepare them for a birthday party, movie night or a meeting with friends

Snacks for a home party

Each of our snacks is easy to prepare. We guarantee that the taste and appearance will delight all guests

Spinach rolls

This is a simple and impressive dish. It is easy to prepare, looks insane and tastes even better. It’s worth making them a day before the party, and keep in the fridge after preparation. Thanks to this it will firm up.


  • one package of frozen chopped spinach (450 g),
  • 4 eggs,
  • sandwich cream cheese,
  • 3 cloves of garlic,
  • 4 tbsp horseradish,
  • sliced smoked salmon, may be sandwiched (200 g),
  • seasonings to taste (salt, pepper).


Melt the butter in a frying pan, then put the frozen spinach on it. After evaporating the excess water from the spinach, add the crushed 4 cloves of garlic and salt and pepper. Combine everything together and fry until the spinach is quite dry. Then set aside to cool for 15-20 minutes. After this time, mix the spinach with four egg yolks

In the meantime, beat the egg whites to a stiff foam, add to the spinach and mix gently

Then prepare a baking tray, line it with baking paper and spread the spinach mixture. The mixture should be about 1 cm thick. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C and bake for 15 minutes

Remove the spinach mixture and set aside to cool for an hour. After this time you can peel off the baking paper from it

On the baked spinach spread cream cheese, a little bit of horseradish and finally arrange the salmon slices. Then roll up the dough, making sure that the cream cheese does not leak out. Wrap the whole thing in aluminum foil and put it in the refrigerator

Stuffed eggs

This dish is perfect for any party. It is colorful and extremely easy to prepare


  • 6 eggs,
  • yellow cheese (100 g),
  • 3 radishes,
  • bunch of chives,
  • yellow, green and red peppers,
  • mayonnaise (2 tbsp),
  • thick natural yogurt,
  • spices to taste (salt and pepper).


First, prepare the ingredients: grate the cheese on a coarser grater, and chop the vegetables into small cubes

In the meantime, boil the eggs for 8-12 minutes. Then let them cool, peel and cut into equal halves. Using a small spoon, scoop out the yolks and set aside in a separate dish. Then crush the yolks with a fork, add mayonnaise, a tablespoon of yogurt, grated cheese, radishes and half the chives. Mix thoroughly. Season to taste

Prepared stuffing put into the hollowed out egg whites. Decorate with chives and paprika

Tortilla Rolls with Tuna

This is an extremely simple dish, which is quick and easy to prepare. It is the one that disappears from the table the fastest


  • 4 tortilla slices,
  • half a can of corn,
  • a can of tuna in its own sauce,
  • a bunch of chives,
  • 3 pickles,
  • half a small chili pepper,
  • 3 tablespoons grated mozzarella cheese,
  • mayonnaise (4 tablespoons),
  • mustard (2 teaspoons),
  • seasonings to taste (salt and pepper).


Cut the cucumbers, chives and chili peppers into small cubes

Drain the tuna and put it into a bowl. Add all the vegetables together with the cheese, mayonnaise and mustard. Mix everything thoroughly. Season to taste with spices

Spread the resulting paste on the tortillas and roll them up. Then cut the whole into pieces 3 cm thick. Ready!

Date Truffles

Now something for the fans of healthy sweets. The balls are extremely sweet, but do not contain a single gram of sugar. They are nutritious and provide energy – perfect for all gourmands


  • a cup of dates,
  • half a glass of ground oatmeal,
  • ⅓ cup ground nuts,
  • ⅓ cup coconut shavings,
  • 1 tsp coconut oil,
  • 2 tbsp cocoa,
  • something to coat: coconut shavings, ground nuts or ground coffee.


Soak the dates in hot water for about 20-30 minutes. They must become soft. Then grind them with a blender to make a smooth paste. Still blending, to the resulting mass add all the listed ingredients. Continue to do this for 5 minutes. From this mass form balls and coat in coffee or coconut shavings. Then put in the refrigerator for about an hour to firm up

Jellies in orange peels

This is the hit of every party. Especially the youngest participants are delighted with these snacks. What is more, they are very easy to prepare.


  • several oranges,
  • jellies in different colors.


Scald the oranges, cut them in half and squeeze their juice. Then remove the remaining pulp with a spoon, in such a way as not to damage the skins

Dissolve the jelly in hot water, but use less than indicated on the package. For one jelly you should use about 400 ml of water. The whole thing should be cooled down and pour halves of oranges

Jellies in orange peels put in the fridge to harden faster. Before serving it is recommended to cut them into quarters

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