How to make Irish style coffee?

How to make Irish style coffee?
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Irish coffee is a delicacy which, as the story goes, came about by accident when a plane flying from Ireland to Canada had to turn back due to bad weather conditions, and the passengers were forced to spend the night at the airport. Just then they were served a drink prepared coffee with a little whiskey, brown sugar and garnished with whipped cream. Since then, Irish-style coffee began to conquer the world. Today we will tell you how to prepare it yourself in your own home.

Quick and warm

As life has shown, need is the mother of invention. Irish style coffee warms you up, so it’s perfect for colder days. How to prepare it?


  • 150 ml of strong coffee, such as brewed in a coffee machine or from an espresso machine;
  • 50 ml of the best Irish whiskey;
  • a teaspoon or two of brown sugar;
  • cream cheese.
Photo by Maria Orlova from


Heat a glass or other container by pouring hot water into it. Pour whisky into a warm glass and dissolve sugar in it. Add freshly brewed, strong coffee and stir thoroughly. Garnish with whipped cream, if you like, you can sprinkle it with cocoa or grated chocolate for decoration

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