How do you add variety to your meals?

How do you add variety to your meals?
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Many people associate dieting with sacrifices – tasteless meals or frequent eating of the same dishes. Then the motivation to exercise decreases and we quickly return to old, unhealthy habits. See what changes to make to your menu to make it tasty and healthy.

The right spices

You can add them to almost any meal, from salads to soups and smoothies. It’s a healthier alternative to salt and one of the easiest ways to add variety to your meals. It’s worth reaching for spices such as:

– ginger, available either fresh or ground. An infusion of ginger effectively relieves nausea and has a positive effect on the immune system. This plant can be added both to water and to soups or cocktails.

– turmeric. It is helpful in the fight against inflammation and weight loss.

– pepper – contains such components that help burn calories. A variety of pepper that has a positive effect on the body is cayenne pepper.

The amount and type of spices added to meals depends on individual preferences. However, it is worth experimenting to find your favorite taste. It is best to buy spices from a reliable place, such as the Internet. If you are wondering where to find an online delicatessen, Warsaw is certainly a city where they are located.

Other ways to diversify your diet

In order to change a bit the current menu, it is often enough to do small things. It may be enough to change the way of thermal processing of the prepared meals. If you used to fry meat in the frying pan, next time try to bake it in the oven or steam it. You should also change the type of meat you eat, for example: poultry for beef, or salmon for trout. If you usually eat buckwheat groats, next time serve a dinner of buckwheat.

Changes can also be made to other things, such as sugar. If you can’t imagine coffee or tea without sweetening, choose one of the healthier alternatives, such as honey. To find delicious honey, the online store offers different types of honey.

An interesting way to diversify your diet are also various types of healthy breadcrumbs. The most commonly used breadcrumbs can be replaced with ground oatmeal. This will give the cutlets the appropriate crunchiness, but also guarantee a dose of nutrients. For lovers of culinary experiments, a good solution may be to replace the traditional breadcrumbs with a combination of walnuts and seaweed.

Each of us should get the necessary amount of vitamins and nutrients every day through the vegetables and fruits we eat. Often, however, we are not able to eat as much as we should. Then it is worth reaching for fruit and vegetable cocktails. It is best to add vegetables such as kale, carrots, spinach, cucumber or beet to fruit.

A small, but often quite significant change is also changing the nature of meals. That is, sweet breakfasts should be changed for dry ones and vice versa.

For busy people

Not all of us have enough time to cook full meals for ourselves every day. However, this is not such a significant problem, because in such a situation professional catering companies come with help. Thanks to their wide offer you can adjust the menu to your needs and requirements, as well as culinary preferences. For example, on the website you can find information about diet catering from Lodz. Using such services we are sure that our meals will be well balanced and varied.

Main photo: Ella Olsson/

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