Is it worth buying a smartwatch? What features does it have?

Is it worth buying a smartwatch? What features does it have?
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The smartwatch market is not vulnerable to epidemic issues. The business boom for this type of gadget is also driven by cheap models of equipment that come from China. Is it worth buying a cheaper or more expensive model? What functions does such equipment have?

What is a smartwatch?

A smart watch – this is the easiest way to characterize what a smartwatch is. Although on the surface it looks like a traditional timepiece, its capabilities are greater. As a rule, such a device is supposed to combine a watch, equipment for monitoring physical activity and be compatible with a smartphone

History of smartwatches

Quite significant that the idea of such devices first appeared in comics and film, that is, in popular culture. Already in the 1940s in a series of comic books about detective Dick Tracy the main character could use a smart watch. Similar gadgets were used by the heroes of the 1960’s movie Star Trek.

When did the predecessor of smartwatches appear in the real world? We had to wait for it until the Pulsar P1 Limited Edition electronic watch from 1972

Later came the turn to integrate the watch with a calculator and finally with a computer (1984). The turn of the 20th and 21st century brought models combining a watch with a phone, mobile camera and mp3 player.

What is a smartwatch used for?

Such devices in an advanced form serve as a complement to the smartphone or can even replace it. They are useful especially when using a phone is awkward – for example, during jogging. They display information from applications installed on the phone, allow to take photos or change music.

Additionally, some of the models allow to call back or dictate a text message. Smartwatch can also remind us of important things during the day

What other functions does it have?

Of course, you can not be indifferent to the functions of a smartwatch, which are useful even during exercise. We can count steps, kilometers traveled or calories burned. Many models also allow you to measure your own heart rate. There will also be equipment with an appropriate scale of water resistance, which allows to measure the lengths of swum pools

Smartwatch – advantages and disadvantages

Buying a smartwatch, first of all, you need to take into account the operating system – in the first place, however, this applies to the smartphone. Attention is paid to the ease of communication between devices, the possibility of expanding with new functions or battery capacity. What are the advantages and disadvantages of smartwatches?

Disadvantages of buying a smartwatch

The downsides of smartwatches are, first of all, the relatively short working time on a single charge, which is usually at most two days of use. Smartwatches also have a much shorter lifespan than branded copies of traditional watches. They are also small in size, which favors e.g. damage in the course of normal use. Finally – it may happen that thanks to a smart watch it will be difficult for us to cut off from the virtual world, text messages and phones.

>> See also: Yacht charter – a popular way to relax also in Poland

Advantages of choosing a smartwatch

Before such devices have more and more functionality. Sometimes it happens that they can already be the center of intelligent home control. An appropriate module also allows you to make contactless payments with them. With high probability we can assume that in the future they will gain more functions.

The cheapest units with a relatively small number of functions can be bought for as little as 200 PLN . However, nothing stands in the way of paying 4000 PLN and more for a smartwatch.

Is it worth buying such a device?

Our needs should decide. We do not have to immediately buy a model from a leading manufacturer and with a lot of novelties, which will cost us several thousand zlotys. However, we must admit that such a device can greatly simplify everyday activities

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