How to make nettle juice?

How to make nettle juice?
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Spring is in full swing – in gardens and forests we can see beautiful, green nettle bushes. Often, however, we are not aware of their health properties, which in the form of juice can significantly improve our health and well-being.


Nettle juice perfectly supports cleansing the body from toxins. It supports the female reproductive system and ensures its proper functioning. It is recommended for everyone who wants to strengthen the condition of hair and nails. Nettle juice is also recommended for people fighting anemia or during weight loss treatments.

Photo by JJ Jordan from

How to make the juice?

To squeeze nettle juice, the best are young plants growing wild in forests, meadows or in our gardens that have not been in contact with pesticides. To give nettle juice a more pleasant and less “grassy” taste, it is advisable to add a sweet fruit, such as pineapple or strawberries, or a teaspoon of honey. This way you will also enrich it with additional vitamins and trace elements.

Photo by Anasegota from

How to prepare nettle juice?

It’s best to use a slow juicer to which you put washed and cut into smaller pieces nettle leaves, alternately with fruits of your choice. The juice can be enriched with a few drops of lemon or lime juice. It tastes best when chilled.

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